All those skanky wannabe actors/misfits after one helluva skanky misfit herself (Tila). In fact, if there's more boat people like her somewhere, can we please mine the waters so they don't make it to our shores? No, really, who in their right mind would want to have a shot at "love" with a midget like this? OK, other than Verne Troyer. But, really, the only shot I'd like to have is with a semi-automatic pistol. And it would not be pretty.
Oh, and the bitch-fight tonight. Gotta have a bitch-fight if you want to do reality TV properly. Bravo to the producers, excellent plot point. And to think your writer's are on strike right now.
Um, just wondering...is Dani a he or a she? Never really came to a conclusion after the thirteen minutes I viewed. Thirteen minutes that spell the doom of mankind. Thanks "Tom." When you get to Satan'sSpace, I hope 92 Tequila clones are their to roast your ass at the stake. It'll be a hot time in the old town tonight: FIRE, FIRE, FIRE.
Hey! Maybe that would finally cure your dandruff.
And, Tila, this shout-out goes directly to you, babe: If I was looking for a "Deeper Connection" in life, I'd choose a toaster over you any day of the week. MTV or no MTV.
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