Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Snapshots From Laker Land

Just thought you might appreciate a few images from the Nuggets vs. Lakers game. Ya know, a look inside the huddle, the locker room, and underneath the Laker Girl's hula-like skirts. My God, where was the luau? Ssssssssmoking. Game? What game? Can I please play pin-the-#@%# on the Laker Girls?

Hey, true story: combined weight of the Laker Girls, 98 pounds, give or a take a rice cake, or a turd the size of a fig newton.

6 Snapshots From Laker Land

1. I saw it the first time, couldn't be certain it was actually what I saw: Kobe, while on the floor, checking out something other than the game. Saw it a second time and there was no denying it, must've been the hula skirts:

"Give me a K..."

Note to Kobe: PASS!

2. Dumbass fan talking smack to Kenyon Martin. Dumbass Martin for returning serve. Dumbass Fan gets booted by Dumb & Even Dumberass security.

3. Melo struts through the tunnel like he is Al Capone leading the city of Chicago to war. I imagine Capone was tough enough to avoid the banana peel (aka Kobe's foot) and ankle sprain.

4. A.I. in the locker room commandeering the TV play-by-play. Let's hope he doesn't quit his day job anytime soon.

5. George Karl tells me if it wasn't for Anthony Carter, the Nuggets would be 16-24 and not the other way around.

b. Von Wafer refuses to comment on story I am writing about AC. Maybe a little something to do with, um, playing time? FYI: Wafer does look sharp in the layup line.

6. Chicks in the L.A. crowd know exactly what to do when they get on the Jumbotron: shake their brand new assets. Somewhere, a Beverly Hills surgeon is smiling.

b. As am I, Laker Girl. So thanks for that. I could tell you about the scenario I dreamed up but...gotta work tomorrow. And I have sheets to change.

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