"Hey, those colors look great on you. Do you come here often?"
Blog, blog, blog...
2. Keeps referring to you as "that guy."
3. Writes songs about her 23 stray cats and a bong.
4."Accidentally" invites dad to cam when she's giving you head.
5. Likes talking to dead tree bark for moral support.
2. Meet your friends, even worse, your family
3. Let you have the dry spot
4. Watch chick flicks
5. Buy you flowers
6. Listen to your complaints
7. Wear your panties
8. Go dancing
9. Enact PDA
10. Use a condom
11. Pick up your dog's poop
12. Go down on you
13. Write a song about you
14. Admit he's a major asshole
PS. Remember, hot chicks dig the a-holes
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